Monday, September 26, 2016

Jacob's First Blog

1. Poem / Blog
2. Author's Chair (much respek)
3. Socratic Seminar Prep : review themes
1. Prep for S.S in WNB
2. (Optional) Watch The Debate!

First things first. Today is too hot, I suggest that the class should take a field trip to the beach or maybe even the pool :). The class starts with the off sync of our daily poems, completely failing at this, we give it another shot. The voices fill the room with the poems; "We Wear The Mask", "We Real Cool", and "Lodged." After this we start to read Christopher's excellent blog (round of applause to him), sadly he wasn't here to see Ms.Witham's appreciation towards his work.

The class takes a day off from working hard to relax and listen to the stories of our fellow students. Discussing the lines that speak to us , giving a deeper look into their life, showing what makes who they are. This is a great way to help express ourselves, even making our writings stronger. We come to a stop with author's chair after hearing a few brave students. The class finishes with the preparation of our Socratic Seminar, discussing important words, themes, and quotes so we can start to understand how our groups should structure our writings.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Christopher's First Blog

1. Poem/Blog/R.A.
2. Final Reader's Theater
3. Theme Quickwrite
4. Author's Chair

Finish 1984

The class started off with the usual chatter and side conversations, restless as they entered. We only recited two poems today: "We Wear the Mask" and "Lodged." After this, we went over Daniel Escajeda's first blog and did some editing. Daniel asked if Elvin or I had blogged yet. Neither of us had so I tried to convince him to choose Elvin. However, he unfortunately chose me. I walked over to the "blogging chair" reluctantly, slowly accepting my fate, having to blog.

Ms. Witham asked if anyone did not turn in their rough drafts. Whoever did not, was given a red ticket to staple to their Random Autobiography. Our final Readers' Theater group presented their part from 1984. We began our next assignment, a Theme Quickwrite about the book. Scholars discussed one word topics with their table partners. Lies, rebellion, surveillance and dystopia were just some of the thematic topics the students came up with. The classroom became silent as the scholars began to develop their themes and go into greater depth about their ideas. This sense of quiet reflection stayed present even as the groups shared their refined themes.

Ms. Witham then went over the agenda for next week: Socratic Seminar planning on Monday and the actual Socratic Seminar on Tuesday. With that, we were once again short on time, limiting our time for Author's Chair. We only had time for two, so Daniel R. and Dulce presented their Random Autobiographies. After stacking the Random Autobiographies, the bell rang and everyone rushed out of class like always, ready for sixth period and the weekend.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Daniel E.'s First Blog

1. Poem/ *Turn in R.A.*

Type and print R.A.

As the students flooded the room with conversations from lunch, they sat down and began reading our four poems: "We Wear the Mask", "We Real Cool", "If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking", and "Lodged." After we finished the poems, Ms. Witham "remembered" that we have another poem, but as everyone yelled at her, she remembered our new poem was "Lodged." We began reading Jackie's mind boggling blog. As Ms. Witham asked Jackie, "Who's next?" I hid behind Luis G. As she chose me, I dreadfully walked over to the "blogging chair". We then began Reader's Theatre. The students began to read their pages, while Ms. Witham printed out the students' Random Autobiographies. As Ms. Witham tells the class what we will be doing next week, I am getting mad the computer for being so glitchy. We end the day with Emily reading her quick write/poem about Zika.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Jackie's First Blog

Agenda  : 
1. Poem
2. Current event quick write
3. Readers theater

Homework ;
Finish typing Random Autobiography, continue 1984 if you haven't finished.

The class begins like every other day with the poems  "We Wear the Mask", "We Real Cool", and "If I Can Stop One Heart from Breaking."  The exhausted but hyperactive scholars are now hit with the news that there will be a new poem added to the list. Yay. Once that is done, Ty shares yesterday's blog, which was perfect, until Ms. Witham asked who his favorite person in the world was, and all of a sudden it happen to be me. I actually liked the way he was reading his blog in a very low voice but once he picked me he was able to say, "My best friend Jackie," with a nice and proud voice.

Ms. Witham shares with us and only us the Black Lives Matter paper and continues by sharing her current event quick write ( she gave a background story to when she was writing it, she made a connection with big brother from 1984 ). The class discussed the current news of the death of a black man apparently there are various versions of what happened. Some say that he was in a car reading; others say he was holding a gun. Nathan now says, "Books look like guns," because words are powerful.  We are now told to write our own current event quick write. During this time the athletes leave the class ( the class was unable to sing happy birthday to Sean).  After the quick write we continue with the readers theater we are only able to listen to two groups . The bell rings and the class rushed out the door excited to go to 6th period .

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Ty's First Blog

1. Poem
2. Reader's Theater (Evidence gathering)

1. Finish 1984
2. Type/ Read out loud & print R.A.

Fourty-two scholars walk into the classroom to take their seat and begin reciting the three poems "We Wear the Mask", "We Real Cool", and "If I Can Stop One Heart from Breaking." Reciting the last poem is always the one where the students are out of sync, but perseverance will fix that. We then start editing the blog written by Sanam and there isn't much of it. Sanam, without hesitating, picks her favorite person in the world to write the next blog for the class.

Ms. Witham then discusses really quickly what we will be doing for the rest of the day. That involves rehearsing our "Readers Theater" and the rest of our agenda. When she is done saying what she had to say, the class readied themselves for their next assignment. Ms. Witham is ready to judge the students on their work. The room is stagnant and the audience is ready for "Readers Theater."  One by one the groups are called up to show Ms. Witham and themselves how competent they are with their work. Each group reads a passage from the book 1984 and gives a reason why that passage is important. Unfortunately we run out of time and everyone packs up for the last period of the day.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Sanam's First Blog

1. Poem
2. Reader's Theater
3. Hero's Journey

1. Type R.A. *Columns are optional

At the beginning of class we did our normal routine of saying the poems; "We Wear the Mask", "We Real Cool", and "If I Could Stop One Heart From Breaking." We went over Sean's Blog when he unfortunately picked me, we talked about homework and the agenda.

Ms. Witham then went over 1984 with the class and explained that we will do another Reader's Theater. Groups then picked their page numbers and discussed among themselves. After the book talk, we went over how to type our R.A. and Ms. Witham tried to figure out how to use Google Docs, but gave up unsuccessfully. We watched "The Hero's Journey" which we will compare to Winston Smith (1984).

Friday, September 16, 2016

Sean's First Blog

1. Poem/ Blog 1984!
2. SSR -1984 or Crane Making
3. Turn in R.A.
4. Author's Chair

Finish 1984 by Monday

At the beginning of class, we started with reading our poems, as we do everyday, still struggling with our newest addition "If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking..." We then moved onto the daily blog, as Nathan shared his. Without any thought, he immeaditately chose me as the next blogger. Ms. Witham then went over the agenda, transitioning over to the crane making activity.
Christopher reluctantly walked up to the front of the class as he instructed everyone on how to properly contruct the crane. Right away, the whole class was filled with noises of whispered questions and crumpling paper. After only a few steps, groups of confused students crowded around him. As the activity was coming to an end, conversations slowly began to pick back up. Along with this came many worried faces rushing to finish their random autobiographies, including myself. Ms. Witham forcibly made me add that us students shouldn't be sitting down during this activity, as it is the new form of smoking. By the end of the activity, the class shared their deformed cranes, with pride, to each other, as well as their struggles of folding a piece of paper. As Ms. Witham closed the class with a metaphorical view of the activity, many couldn't help but laugh at their sad excuses of a paper crane.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Super Nathan's First Blog

Random Autobiography
Silent reading
Class sharing

Finish the book 1984 by Monday
R.A.R.D Sensory details

As the scholars walk in, all you can hear are different conversations roaring and echoing around the room. As Ms. Witham quiets the room down, the class begins with the three poems we have memorized: "We Wear the Mask", "We Real Cool", and "If I Can Stop One Heart from Breaking." After we finish reciting the poems the class goes over Israel's blog. Although his blog took some time he ended up choosing the great and almighty Nathan as the class blogger.

After we start doing a little bit of catch up reading; catch up reading is when Ms. Witham gives the class time to reach a certain page level. In this case the page number is 218. As the reading concludes the class will begin to paste in the "Writers Notebook 5 Week Check" on the first page of the writers notebook. After we begin to share half of the Random Autobiographies. As I look away from Ms. Witham explaining of the sensory details I see Emily messing with Daniel. To someone else it would look annoying but to me it looks like bonding as friends. This Blog is for my brother Joseph...

Israel's First Blog

Read to page 218
Finish Random Autobiography (2 sides)

So it all started when Oliver decided to give me the privilege to be Wednesday's blogger after we read our poems. Class began and so we went over yesterday's blog and did a little editing. So the class routine continued and we put in items to do in our planner.

Ms. Witham then announced that she will randomly start notebook checks, so make sure you have the required assignments you need to get a good grade; a tip to my fellow scholars. After this Ms. Witham announced that our Random Autobiography is due today. We then continued to read 1984 for about 15 minutes or about 25, because 2 minutes feels like 10 sometimes.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Oliver's first blog

1. Poem/Blog
2. Random autobiography 
3. Share favorite Dialectic Journal text 

By Wednesday 
Read to page 218 in 1984              

We started the day by reciting our two poems that some students have already memorized. We then did a group exercise in which groups discussed their favorite comfort food, at which Daniel exclaimed his favorite comfort food was knowledge. After a few minutes of chatter between groups, Ms Witham announced an activity in which the teacher read random student autobiographies. The students where to make inferences about the student based on the autobiography. We analyzed the structure of the autobiography, where we assemble a random collection of personal experiences, starting each line with "I" + a verb. For example: "I like dogs, especially the little ones that yap all day long." Afterwards, Ms Witham introduced us to the concept of being subtle and mysterious as well as specific. The students were then instructed to write their own autobiographies and turn in their syllabi. To make the task of writing a biography easier students were given a list of sentence starter. Israel asked me to put him in the blog so here is Israel.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Emily's First Blog

1. Poems!
2. Blog
3. SSR~1984
4. Share Reflection/ Future Map
5. Syllabus/ Gallery walk
6. Makeup missing work

1. Read to p.167 or beyond in 1984

After entering, the classroom is still filled with the loud rumble of lunch time. With laughter and fullness, the poems "We Wear the Mask" and "We Real Cool" are recited. Then the loudness and chatter of the classroom slowly dies down, and the scholars' minds are filled with words like "Thoughtcrime" and "Auto Speak". SSR time spreads the sounds of soft page turning and audible breathing throughout the small English classroom. Ms. Witham then speaks up and tells us we should take out our planners to copy down the homework. We talk a little about how SSR time helps us
unplug from the craziness of school, and how it makes our minds relax. Then Israel brought up the future map, to which the class responded with a loud groan and a couple of "Thanks, Israel"s.

After Israel's great suggestion, we went over the last blog. By this time, everyone was ready to get up and move to share our Future Maps! The class was then a spiderweb of teenagers talking and laughing about their past, present, and future. We ended the class by passing out the syllabus and talking about NNWM. Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Luis L's First Blog

Luis Lopez's First Blog

1. Poems!
2. Blog!
3. Reader's Theater
4. SSR
5. 5-Week Reflection

1.Read 1984 to 117 or beyond
2. 5-week reflection

After Ms. Witham told the story of the Actors' Gang to the class, she motivated them to attend their production of 1984. The performances occur on Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays, with Thursdays being "Pay What You Can" days, when tickets are by donation. More information is available on Then, the last two groups from reader's theaters read and explained a passage from their text, finishing the class's reader's theater. After that the class entered silence to read 1984. Later, the teacher paused the class's reading to show us the tips of excelling students who sat on these same seats three years ago, and the scholars discussed them with a partner.

Next, she prompted the class with a quote to start on our 5-week reflection: "Excuses are the refuge of cowards," by William Goldsmith. Students are to write a full page, with paragraphs and details, reflecting on the first five weeks of school using the excuses quote and the tips from former scholars. Students should also answer the following questions:
What are you doing to be successful?
What positive habits are you building?
What do you want to improve? Be specific!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Magaly's first blog


3.Readers theater
4. Catch up day

*Finish Future Map Brainstorm
*Read to page 117 or beyond

Class started with poems "We wear the mask" and 'We real cool". Scholars updated their homework planner. Scholars went over their readers theater with their group before presenting. Groups that have water polo players in their group will present tomorrow. Transitioning into catching up on reading or future map. Class has ended!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Sreeja's First Blog


 1. Poem!
 2. Blog!
 3. 1984 - Reader's Theater
 * Summer Reading Due*
 * Portfolios


 1. Read to Pg 117 - 1984
 2. DJ #3--page 7 in WNB

Ms. Witham's fifth period class starts by going over their class poem. The class goes over previous class blog, finding errors and making adjustments. The class fills with chatter. The scholars go over their reader's theater one more time before presenting.  Unfortunately only few groups got to perform because of the early day.  The class gets ready for their last class of the day.

Conner's First Blog

1.     Poem!
2.     Blog! Name the Blog
3.     Future Map Brain Storm
4.     1984 Key Passage

Home Work
1.     Read to page 104 in 1984
2.     DJ #3 **Not yet!
3.     Future Map Brain Storm
4.     Donors choose new grant up! Hazel Kight Witham

Ms. Witham’s fifth period 10th grade class is listening patiently to their teacher’s monologue about dreams and college. Ms. Witham says if you are waitlisted at the college of your choice, you might get accepted by writing a letter saying why you must go there. So let this be a written example to all of those who may read this, write those letters! She finishes by showing the class the example of the future map brainstorm. Then the class moves on to the 1984 key passages for reader’s theater. The class listens to the first group’s example and leaves the class ready for the four day weekend.

Sindé’s First Blog


1.     Poem!
2.     Review DJ #1-2
3.     SSR. 1984
4.     Find quote for DJ #3
5.     1984 key passage


1.     Read to p.81 or beyond
2.     Summer reading 9/6
3.     Donors choose *new grant up* Hazel Kight (Witham)

Ms. Witham’s fifth period class is full of boomers and bloomers. As of now the class is reading through the mysterious pages of our latest class book, 1984 by: George Orwell. The room is dead silent. Well, excluding the few coughs and shuffling of feet here and there. The class is about three good weeks head in to this book. At first opening it, it seemed like a bother. But as you can see, this period five class likes a challenge. The kids in here are giving it their all with this book. Finally the silence has stopped. Ms. Witham is explaining the rules of our readers’ theatre for tomorrow. Now we are in groups of three to discuss our favorite or key quotes from the book. The room is bustling sounds of quotes, key terms, and a bit of onomatopoeia. The bell has rung. The class is rushing to pick their bags and head over to the next class. Well that’s just a regular day in Ms. Witham’s fifth period honors class.