Friday, September 16, 2016

Sean's First Blog

1. Poem/ Blog 1984!
2. SSR -1984 or Crane Making
3. Turn in R.A.
4. Author's Chair

Finish 1984 by Monday

At the beginning of class, we started with reading our poems, as we do everyday, still struggling with our newest addition "If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking..." We then moved onto the daily blog, as Nathan shared his. Without any thought, he immeaditately chose me as the next blogger. Ms. Witham then went over the agenda, transitioning over to the crane making activity.
Christopher reluctantly walked up to the front of the class as he instructed everyone on how to properly contruct the crane. Right away, the whole class was filled with noises of whispered questions and crumpling paper. After only a few steps, groups of confused students crowded around him. As the activity was coming to an end, conversations slowly began to pick back up. Along with this came many worried faces rushing to finish their random autobiographies, including myself. Ms. Witham forcibly made me add that us students shouldn't be sitting down during this activity, as it is the new form of smoking. By the end of the activity, the class shared their deformed cranes, with pride, to each other, as well as their struggles of folding a piece of paper. As Ms. Witham closed the class with a metaphorical view of the activity, many couldn't help but laugh at their sad excuses of a paper crane.

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