Friday, September 23, 2016

Christopher's First Blog

1. Poem/Blog/R.A.
2. Final Reader's Theater
3. Theme Quickwrite
4. Author's Chair

Finish 1984

The class started off with the usual chatter and side conversations, restless as they entered. We only recited two poems today: "We Wear the Mask" and "Lodged." After this, we went over Daniel Escajeda's first blog and did some editing. Daniel asked if Elvin or I had blogged yet. Neither of us had so I tried to convince him to choose Elvin. However, he unfortunately chose me. I walked over to the "blogging chair" reluctantly, slowly accepting my fate, having to blog.

Ms. Witham asked if anyone did not turn in their rough drafts. Whoever did not, was given a red ticket to staple to their Random Autobiography. Our final Readers' Theater group presented their part from 1984. We began our next assignment, a Theme Quickwrite about the book. Scholars discussed one word topics with their table partners. Lies, rebellion, surveillance and dystopia were just some of the thematic topics the students came up with. The classroom became silent as the scholars began to develop their themes and go into greater depth about their ideas. This sense of quiet reflection stayed present even as the groups shared their refined themes.

Ms. Witham then went over the agenda for next week: Socratic Seminar planning on Monday and the actual Socratic Seminar on Tuesday. With that, we were once again short on time, limiting our time for Author's Chair. We only had time for two, so Daniel R. and Dulce presented their Random Autobiographies. After stacking the Random Autobiographies, the bell rang and everyone rushed out of class like always, ready for sixth period and the weekend.

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